750 medarbetare på Tele2 i Holland hade en låg uppfattning om Tele2 som arbetsgivare, visade en mätning under hösten 2008. På drygt ett halvår lyckades företaget dramatiskt vända uppfattningen bland sina anställda. Brilliant har bett HR direktören, Rem Veen, komma och berätta om hur de lyckades vända skeppet. /Netsurvey
I’m very pleased to speak today and that so many people are willing to listen to our story. Basically I want to get three messages across today.
(1) We care for our employees. We feel that good management is pivotal in reaching high employee satisfaction levels and the creation of true ambassadors.
(2) High Employee Satisfaction in itself is not an indicator of good management. One has to dive into survey data. Indexes such as the LeaderShipIndex (LSI) and the Net Promotor Score (NPS) are much more confronting. Dare to put your finger on the sore spot.
(3) The factors behind succesfully implementing an Employee Satisfaction Survey
– A Compelling Business Reason
– Top Down Commitment
– Structural Embedding leaving very little room for escape
Rem Veen
Director Human Resources
Tele2 Nederland