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Dissatisfied employees – 5 common problem areas


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What is it that creates dissatisfaction among employees? Is there a trend and if so what is it? To find out the answers, we have analysed around 15 000 free text responses linked to the measure, employee Net Promoter Score, eNPS, which consists of a single question ”How likely is it that you would recommend your employer to a friend as a workplace”?

Dissatisfied employees – critics – have an adverse impact on the organisation from several perspectives, and ultimately on earnings. Identifying where in the organisation there are problems that are creating dissatisfaction is therefore absolutely necessary to understand what it is that needs to be changed in order to ensure that the organisation is in good condition and running well.

According to the free text responses, there is a general dissatisfaction among the critics – and what the critics talk about most often is managers and leadership. A distinguishing feature among the critics is that they often state that things need to get ”better”. Fully 75% of the comments where the management are mentioned are in negative statements by the critics.

Here are the five most common areas that the critics write about:

  1. Manager/leadership
  2. Expertise/development
  3. Goals/clarity/info
  4. Benefits/salary
  5. Management

The analysis is based on the employee surveys Brilliant conducted in Swedish during 2016 and up to August 2017. In order to obtain a nuanced picture of how employees view their work situation, the analysis is performed independent of sector.

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