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Effective Strategies for Successful Customer Relationship Surveys


Understanding and maintaining the relationship with customers is a critical component in today’s competitive market. Customer relationship surveys play a crucial role in measuring and enhancing the customer experience. However, despite the many benefits of conducting these surveys, there are also challenges you might encounter. In this blog, we will go through five common challenges in customer relationship surveys and how to resolve them.

Challenge 1: Low Response Rate One of the most common challenges in customer surveys is obtaining enough responses to gather meaningful insights. Customers may be busy or may not see the value in responding to your questions.

By asking as few questions as possible and focusing on the most relevant ones, you can increase the likelihood of customers completing the survey. Additionally, crafting a compelling invitation and ensuring you have up-to-date customer lists can increase your chances of a higher response rate.

Challenge 2: Question Formulation Formulating questions that capture the customer’s true experience and drive the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is crucial. A misunderstood question can lead to incorrect results. Allowing different parts of the organisation to pose questions can also create confusion.

By using a limited set of questions that have been proven to drive NPS, you can ensure the right questions are asked and that you are using questions with the most impact on NPS. You can also consistently use the same validated questions in a follow-up survey to see if your actions from the previous survey had an effect, i.e., draw conclusions from your data over time.

Challenge 3: Analysis and Interpretation of Data After collecting data from your customers, the next step is to analyse it and draw insights. This is often seen as time-consuming and believed to require advanced analytical skills, which are rarely available internally.

By using smart technology and AI-driven analysis, you can quickly and efficiently gain relevant insights from both numerical responses and free-text answers. This saves time and allows you to focus on implementing measures based on the results.

Challenge 4: Feedback and Handling of Feedback Ensuring that feedback is provided for both low and high results after a customer survey is crucial for improving the customer experience and increasing customer loyalty.

By using a platform, like the Brilliant platform for customer relationship surveys, which enables “close the loop”, you can quickly identify issues and act to resolve them. This also shows customers that their feedback is taken seriously and can increase customer loyalty. Measuring is something anyone can do, but the most important aspect is to act on customer feedback.

Challenge 5: Measurement Strategy Determining when and how often to conduct customer surveys and which customer segments to include can be challenging.

With a platform that offers flexibility in its measurement strategy, you can tailor the surveys to your organisation’s specific needs and objectives. This can include choosing different times for the survey based on the customer’s lifecycle or business needs.

By using a platform that provides both smart AI-based analysis and the ability to adapt surveys to customer needs, where the questions have been proven to drive NPS, you can strengthen customer relationships and increase customer loyalty in the long term.

Let us show you how to manage all that with our platform!

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