Blog Employee engagement

How much difference does an employee survey really make?


Who is a rotten apple|

We are overwhelmed by data from all directions, and it’s no wonder that you sometimes think about what all the data you collect actually provides. Our absolute goal is to contribute to the success of our customers by making a positive change in the employees’ perceived work situation with the help of data.

To find out if the insights we deliver to our customers help them we analysed how much difference there is between groups that are actively working with the result from the employee survey with those who are not. An analysis that speaks its clear language – it pays to work actively with its insights and address the challenges the group proves to have.

All four analysed indices – team efficiency, engagement, leadership, and employer brand (eNPS) – show that the groups that have worked actively with the results of the employee survey have moved in a positive direction from 2018 to 2019. The analysis makes it clear that it is not just about measuring, but also to analyse and to act on the data. We also know from previous analysis how this is related to higher profitability.

Those groups that have not (or only slightly) worked on the results have much lower results in all areas. An interesting aspect is that it is the already strong groups that work actively with the results, while the relatively weak groups, who need to work with the results most, do not. However, the weak groups obviously have greater improvement potential. But that they do not work with the results is explainable. Working with the leadership of a weak group hurts. It takes courage to challenge the leadership of a weak leader. Here, the emotional aspects come into play, and defence mechanisms make us push the problem away from us. To move forward in these situations, you may need to take help to overcome the barriers holding the group back.

In summary, we can see that the perceived feeling of those who work actively with the results of the employee survey is positive. It is a powerful indicator of the importance of working continuously with the leadership and listening to the employees to achieve higher engagement, better team efficiency and a stronger employer brand.

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